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_Reimagine Access

Studio sponsored by ArtCenter Library

14 weeks, Summer 2021



Cynthia  Lee, Jiaying Wang


_My role

UI/UX, User Research, Visual identity, 


Project Description

Design accessible features for the ArtCenter Archive website that optimize the user experience for searching and viewing archival items.

How can designers work with people with disabilities to improve the user experience and accessibility of digital technologies?

Project Goal

Our design should work convenient, straightforward, and compatible with assistive technologies.

Our final designs value simple, accessible experiences.

Prototype  1

Replace typing with voice input and capture keywords

Prototype  2

Speech to text:
AI recognizes & generates transcript

Prototype  3

Image recognition
to generate
alternative text

Challenge 1

How can I access?

Some images, audio, and videos are missing captions or subtitles.

We want to improve the accessibility of different media-type documents.

Challenge 2

How to access easily?

Using a keyboard could cause difficulties in pressing multiple keys together.

We want to discover the greatest possibility of a hands-free system and off-screen interaction.

How could we make archives easily accessed to everyone?


What did we found?

UARC Guideline 

Assistive technologies.

Research on color blindness.

UARC Guideline:

Prepare for participants with disabilities assistive technologies:

  • Blind-Braille versions of the session materials.

  • Low vision- Large san serif font text version, high contrast color.

  • Deaf and hard of hearing- have all planned and anticipated communication typed out   ahead of time.

  • Dyslexia and ADHD: all materials are structured with clear headings and the content is written in plain language.

Assistive technologies:

Color Blindness:

There are different types of colorblindness and a wide range of vision. High contrast in color choices, fonts, and sizing is essential.

We gained insights & feedbacks during Participatory Sessions.

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